Dienstag, 13. Juli 2010

Thank you Disney

As you may know I have visited Disney Land and was really amazed about the whole styling, the rides (especially the tower of horror) and the food. I admit that it is a little bit expensive but the feeling you get and the fun is really worth the money. Besides the money I was really annoyed by the waiting lines in front of the rides. The waiting line in Disneyland is like an open-air torture chamber. The sun is burning your skin and you can’t get any water. The torturer do not allow you to go to the toilet or else the torture is starting all over again. The only thing you have hope for is that somehow you will survive that whole procedure to get out alive to have one last ride and then can die happily. But some people can not stand it. 5% of the people who survived the torture longer than 1,23 hours kill themselves because they are just freaking desperate. The scholars of this study invented a word for that. It is called the Disney-waiting-line-syndrom. But there is hope! When I was climbing up the fence to high-five the forthcoming rolercoaster the God of Mice appeared in front of me. He told me to lead his people out of the line. "Yes," I said, "but how should I do that?" and he answered with a high pitched voice. "Lead them into the mighty net! There you should google around till you find myspace." "Oh mighty Mouse. But the service fee we have to pay for that is too high and only the rich can afford such a journey." God then said "Build up a WLAN Network so everyone who believes in my son, the mighty Gadget, can wander the net. Everyone except those who tasted the forbidden apple" So after this encounter with the God of Mice, I contacted the CEO also known as M. Mouse. 2 month later they answered my email. The only thing he told me was that they don’t do business with outsiders and they are going to delete my email. Maybe I should have said that God had send me to do some good and maybe get more detailed about the idea. But nevertheless here it is.

Build up a fucking WLAN Network. Sell Disney Movies over that thing. Build up a page where the waiting time is displayed. Let me read some awesome Disney Comics. Let me Chat with Goofy!! Display the items you can buy at the shops and if you are really really awesome then ad an shopping cart so I can shop online while I am waiting. May I have a peak into the dressing room of Tinkerbell? Or let me at least control a real life WALL-E Robot over the network.

"Mama! Those ideas are really awesome! I want to do all those things because they are fun and they keep me from killing myself!!"

"STFU. Disney want you to die so the waiting line is getting smaller."

Thank you Disney, thank you very much for the awesome time in the waiting line!

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